The New Style.

Pretty much everyday something mind bogglingly stupid/cruel/needless or shit is announced by this tediously awful government. The shear number of decisions made that adversely affect people is becoming nigh on impossible to take stock of. If it’s not one thing it’s another.
I have yet to meet anyone who supports a single policy introduced since they came to power. Not a single one.
I do, however, on a daily basis meet people who are fucking sick of it, frustrated and angry.
It’s probably fair to say that we all do.

I see people calling for a new General Election, it’s not gonna happen. they’ll hang onto power for as long as possible. Especially the LibDems.
Also, the only legal mechanism to do so other than the government calling one is for the Queen to dissolve Parliament. This is extremely unlikely but remotely possible. There have been unlikely allies before, she could be another one. It is possible that in her final years she examines what she’s leaving behind and decides it’s not good enough. That her “legacy” is bollocks and that she’d be best remembered with one last grand gesture.

I know, I know. Very unlikely. But why not write her a letter, drop some guilt on her face?
It’s worth a go. At the very least you’ll get a polite reply refusing to assist which in itself is ammunition.

What else can we do?
Well, marches and bannerwaving are out, obviously. As are petitions, armed insurrection, riots, running for MP and “clicktivism”.
Occupy had some promise but ultimately failed, either through state interventions or via it’s own management. I think occupations could still work but what would the targets be?
The Government, banks and big business are notoriously bad listeners so there’s not a lot of point attempting to speak them.
So who’s left?

There’s an old episode of The Simpsons where the billboards and adverts come to life, Lisa realises that Adverts only gain their power from the attention they’re given. Take that power away and they shrivel away to nothing.
In the case of politicians they get their power from us, not just with votes but with compliance. Something we often forget is that politicians only make the decisions, they don’t carry out the actual instructions. Civil Servants do.
That vast hidden army of people “just doing their jobs” is where the real power lies. They are the cogs in the machine. Disrupt those cogs and the whole thing stops.

There’s the target.

I don’t want to myself into difficult legal territory, so I’ll be as clear as I can be.
I fully advocate the use of any tactic which eloquently halts harmful government activities and causes no harm in the process.
That’s fair, surely?

The whole World is going to shit. We have a clear obligation to prevent that.
To Intervene.
If the parents of a hard drug user sat around watching their child slowly kill themselves they’d, quite rightly, have to carry some of the blame.
It’s the same thing. Sitting around is not an option.
Intervention is the only realistic ultimatum.

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